Sunday, September 22, 2013

And so it starts...tomorrow.

How many times have I said that to myself?  How many failed attempts?  Can I call it a failed attempt if I said tomorrow is my start date and never actually started?  For me, this journey is all about feeling better.  It's been such a tough, sad year.  R died without a will.  He was 50.  He was a single father.  His daughter was half way through her first year at university in a town a couple of hours from the city.  

Before R died, I had bursts of fitness.  At a couple of points over the years I was very fit. But I've never sustained that level of fitness for very long. I'd go full steam ahead for a couple days, a couple weeks, a couple months but always with the goal of losing weight.  What I think about now, when I think about hitting the gym again is how it made me feel.  I want that feeling again.  I need that feeling again.  I don't care about my weight, even though I'm the heaviest I've ever been.  Weird even writing that because ideally, I should be 30 (give or take) pounds lighter than I am right now.   But it's so not about that.  I want to be fit and firm because it felt great when I was there before.  I felt great when I was there before.

And let's face it, I'm 50 years old.  How many more kicks at the can will I get?  I know, fifty isn't old but I want to get seriously fit, not body builder fit but seriously fit and time is ticking. 

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